Our News

The IVSC issues Perspectives Papers from time to time, which focus on pertinent valuation topics and
emerging issues. Perspectives Papers serve a number of purposes: they initiate and foster debate on
valuation topics as they relate to the International Valuation Standards (IVS); they provide contextual
information on a topic from the perspective of the standard setter; and they support the valuation
community in their application of IVS through guidance and case studies.
Perspectives Papers are complementary to the IVS and do not replace or supersede the standards.
Valuers have a responsibility to read and follow the standards when carrying out valuations.

How does the valuer quantify #marketvalue with a lack of market comparable information in the new COVID-19 world? Where market comparable information is available, have the parties ‘acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion’? Does a pandemic environment enable parties to undertake ‘proper marketing’ or do sales that are witnessed in the early stages of such an event represent an environment comprised of overly willing sellers and opportunistic buyers that is more aligned with a liquidation market? The IVSC's Tangible Assets Board has published a paper looking at this subject in more detail.

At the end of November RICS issued a revised edition of the Global Red Book. This supersedes the RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 and therefore becomes the authoritative set of standards for all RICS Valuers. The new standards become effective from Friday 31 January 2020. We review the new edition and offer our comments and observations on the implications of the changes for RICS valuers.
